What language is this? မြန်မာဘာသာ
One might wonder to know that 45 million people speak 111 languages in Myanmar. Majority of Myanmars speak Myanmar language. Myanmar script draws its source from Brahmi script which flourished in India from about 500 B.C. to over 300 AD.

Myanmar script (often known as Burmese script) is basically similar to the Brahmi script. Both script systems are constructed with the components consisting of consonants, consonant combination symbols, vowel symbols related to the relevant consonants and diacritic marks indicating tone level (niggahita, visajjaniya). After the dissolution of King Asoka's Maurya Kingdom, the script changed gradually. The scripts which developed after Brahmi were named after kings such as Kusana, Gupta and Nagari in the north and Pallava, Kadamba, Calukya in the south. These Indian scripts spread to Tibet, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia and such regions along with Indian beliefs and culture in the period A.D.. 100 to 800 A.D.

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Famous Myanmar Quotes (Proverbs)
Photo Credit - www.specialenglishcentre.com
Myanmar text to speech engine has been developed by young Myanmar entrepreneurs team. led by Ma Thinzar Phyo for Myanmar National Association of the Blind (MNAB). and was sponsored by KBZ Bank. The demo can be seen here.
Myanmar Script Development
Myanmar script grew and derived from Brahmi script from India. The Myanmar language is now almost 1000 years old. and its development started from about 12th century AD.
Earliest Myanmar Script
The first Myanmar script ever found was a brief Myanmar phrase quoted within a Mon stone inscription. That was Myakan Mon stone inscription by King Kyansitthar saying "Maha Nibban Letswe Chi Ye".However. the first Myanmar stone inscription. "Yarza Komer stone inscription" (also known as "Mya Zedi stone inscription") is known to many as the first Myanmar script. although we should say Myazedi Stone Inscription is the first Myanmar document.
Todays's Myanmar Alphabets
Myanmar script draws its source from Brahmi script which flourished in India from about 500 B.C. to over 300 AD. Myanmar script is basically similar to the Brahmi script. Both script systems are constructed with the components consisting of consonants. consonant combination symbols. vowel symbols related to the relevant consonants and diacritic marks indicating tone level (niggahita. visajjaniya).
Myanmar Literature
Photo Credit - www.myanmartravel.org
Myanmar Useful Phrases
Photo Credit - www.wikispaces.com
Some famous linguists like Edwin Pulleyblank believe that there are certain relationship between Sino-Tibetan. Tibeto-Burman and the Athabascan group of Native American languages. including Navaho. Apache. Eskimo ethnic tribes.
Myanmar Words adopted from other languages
Photo credit - www.pinterest.com

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