Myanmar History

Myanmar has a long and complex history. Many peoples have lived in the region and the history began. The first identifiable civilization is that of the Mon. The Mon probably began migrating into the area in about 300 BC, and their first kingdom Suwarnabhumi, was founded around the port of Thaton in about 300 BC. The Pyu arrived in Myanmar in the 7th century and established city kingdoms at Binnaka, Mongamo, Sri Ksetra, and Halingyi. During this period, Myanmar was part of an overland trade route from China to India. By 849, the Burmans had founded a powerful kingdom centered on the city of Bagan and filled the void left by the Pyu. The kingdom grew in relative isolation until the reign of Anawrahta (1044 - 77) who successfully unified all of Myanmar by defeating the Mon city of Thaton in 1057.

After the collapse of Bagan authority, Myanmar was divided once again. The Burmans had restablished themselves at the city of Ava by 1364, where Bagan culture was revived and a great age of Burmese literature ensued. The kingdom lacked easily defendable borders, however, and was overrun by the Shan in 1527. Surviors of the destruction of Inwa eventually established a new kingdom centered on Taungoo in 1531 led by Tabinshwehti (reigned 1531-50), who once again unified most of Myanmar. A popular Burmese leader named Alaungpaya drove the Bago forces out of northern Myanmar by 1753, and by 1759 he had once again conquered Pegu and southern Myanmar while also regaining control of Manipur. He established his capital at Rangoon, now known as Yangon. Myanmar was known to the West ever since western explorers had heard of it. Marko Polo was the earliest known westerner who discovered Myanmar and introduced to the West.

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King Bodawpaya
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King Bodawpaya (1782-1819) was one of the greatest king of Myanmar. sixth monarch of the Alaungpaya. or Konbaung. dynasty. in whose reign (1782-1819) the long conflict began with the British.
1917: Burmese Monks
1917: Burmese Monks at Shwe Dagon Pagoda.
Nanmadaw Me Nu
The Queen's Brick Monastery
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Queen Supayalat
Queen Supayalat next to King Thibaw Min and her sister Princess Supayagyi
King Mindon
King Mindon (1853-1878) was the king of Myanmar from 1853 to 1878. His reign was notable both for its reforms and as a period of cultural flowering in the period before the imposition of complete colonial rule.
Myat Paya Lat
Myat Paya Lat
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King Sinbyushin
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King Sinbyushin (A.D 1763-76) was the third king of the Alaungpaya. or Konbaung dynasty in Myanmar. He pursued a policy of expansion at the expense of practically all his neighbours.SinphyushinminSinbyushin's most important single project was the subjugation of Siam (now Thailand).
King Tabinshwehti
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 The 11 Kings of the Konbaung Period
Burmese Minister
Burmese Minister in court dress - by J. Jackson
Kinwun Mingyi U Kaung
U Kaung at age 50
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Burmese Representative
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Ludu U Hla
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Ludu U Hla (Burmese: လူထုဦးလှ; 19 January 1910 – 7 August 1982) was a Burmese writer, distributer, recorder, folklorist and social reformer whose productive compositions incorporate an extensive number of way breaking true to life works. He was hitched to kindred essayist and columnist Ludu Daw Amar.
King Wareru
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King Wareru (1287-1296) was famous king of Hanthawaddy (Hansavadi. or Bago). who ruled over the Mon people of Lower Myanmar. He was also called Magado or Chao Fa Rua. King Wareru was a Thai adventurer of humble origins who had married a daughter of King Ramkhamhaeng of Sukhothai and had established himself as overlord of Martaban on the Salween River in 1281.
King Bagyidaw
Bagyidaw (A.D 1819-1837). king of Myanmar from 1819 to 1837. The seventh monarch of the Konbaung. or Alaungpaya dynasty. he was defeated in the First Anglo-Myanmar War (1824-26).
The Royal Ruby
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This article was written in 1985. one hundred years after King Thibaw and Queen Supayar Latt were taken to India by the British.
King Tharyarwaddy
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King Tharyarwaddy (A.D. 1837-1846) was the eighth king of the Alaungpaya. or Konbaung. dynasty of Myanmar. who repudiated the Treaty of Yandabo and nearly brought about a war with the British. Tharyarwaddy in 1837 deposed his brother Bagyidaw (reigned 1819-37). who had been obliged to sign the humiliating treaty that ceded the provinces of Arakan and Tenasserim to the British.
The Pondaung Primate
Pondaung is a geographical region in Myanmar lying partly in the Sagaing and partly in Magway Divisions. It has become well known world wide due to the discovery of fossilized remains of anthropoid primate some years back by both Myanmar and foreign geologists. Teams of experts on the subject from the United States.
Taunggwin Sayadaw
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The Taunggwin Sayadaw U Visuddha Silacaraha (တောင်ခွင်ဆရာတော် ဦးဝိသုဒ္ဓ သီလာစာရဟာ) was the last Buddhist friar to hold the workplace as Thathanabaing of Burma. The workplace was annulled after his demise in 1938 and no successor was ever named.
U Shwe Yoe
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U Shwe Yoe's original name was U Ba Ga Lay. He was a pioneer famous Cartoonist. Actor. Comedian and Dancer. U Ba Ga Lay invented Myanmar's most famous Dance and Character known as U Shwe Yoe. He was born in 1893. Pathein. the delta region of Myanmar. His parents were U Pho Thi and Daw Thae Mhone. both were teachers of Pathein High School. He died in 1945 at the age of 52.
General Aung San
General Aung San was born on 13 Feb 1915. Natmauk. Myanmar. Heaungsan was the Myanmar nationalist leader and assassinated hero who was instrumental in securing Myanmar's independence from Great Britain. Before World War II Aung San was actively anti-British; he then allied with the Japanese during World War II. but switched to the Allies before leading the Myanmar drive for autonomy.
King Anawrahta
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King Anawrahta (A.D. 1044-1077). also spelled ANIRUDDHA. the first king of all of Myanmar. (reigned 1044-77). who introduced his people to Theravada Buddhism. His capital at Bagan on the Ayeyarwaddy River became a prominent city of pagodas and temples. During his reign Anawrahta united the northern homeland of the Myanmar people with the Mon kingdoms of the south.
Theippan Maung Wa
Theippan Maung Wa
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Burmese Lady With A Cigar
The history of Burma is fraught with colonial domination and internal conflict.
Ludu Daw Amar
Portrait of Ludu Daw Amar in her youth
1945: Rangoon Convocation Hall
1945 Japanese surrender to Allied forces in front of Convocation Hall (Rangoon, Burma).
Sayar San
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Sayar San's (1930-1932) real name was U Ya Gyaw. He was born in Thayet Kan. Shwebo District. Mandalay Division. Once he became the leader of anti-British rebellion of 1930-32 in Myanmar. he was known as Saya San. Saya San was a native of Shwebo.
King Thibaw
King Thibaw (A.D. 1881-1885) was the 11th generation of the Konbaung Dynasty. King Thibaw was the last king of the Myanmar Monarch. He became the King of Myanmar in 1881 at the age of 16. He was born a royal prince from the Queen mother named as Queen Laung Shay. He was known to be the youngest prince among all his siblings. But as all the princes were killed in different circumstance. he was the only heir left to the throne of the Konbaung Dynasty.
King Alaungpaya 
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Vintage Monastery
Vintage Monastery Burma (Myanmar).
Nawara Boat is also called Nawa Rupa Boat. Nawa means nine and Rupa means beauty.The legends of Boats

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