
King Binnya Dala

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King Binnya DalaKing Binnya Dala

Photo Credit - www.zayplay.com

King Binnya Dala (1747-57) was the last king of Bago in southern Myanmar. whose independence from the northern Myanmars was revived briefly between 1740 and 1757. In 1747 Binnya Dala succeeded Smim Htaw Buddhaketi. who had seven years earlier been set up as king of the Mon in the new capital of Bago after their successful revolt against the Myanmars. 

Binnya Dala. who was his predecessor's chief minister and a more capable military leader. made numerous raids into northern Myanmar. penetrating beyond Inwa. the capital. In 1751 he raised a large army for the conquest of northern Myanmar. capturing Inwa in April 1752. Two years later he executed the last king of the Taungoo dynasty. which had been founded in 1486.

Binnya Dala was eventually deposed by Alaungpaya. the founder of the Myanmar Alaungpaya dynasty. who captured Bago in 1757. He was kept captive and was executed by Alaungpaya's son. Hsinbyushin. in 1774.

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