
King Bagyidaw

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PadominKing Bagyidaw

Bagyidaw (A.D 1819-1837). king of Myanmar from 1819 to 1837. The seventh monarch of the Konbaung. or Alaungpaya dynasty. he was defeated in the First Anglo-Myanmar War (1824-26).

As a result of his defeat. the provinces of Rakhine and Thanintharyi were lost to the British.Bagyidaw was the grandson of King Bodawpaya. who had narrowly avoided war with the British over the frontier between Bengal and Rakhine.

Bagyidaw was an ineffectual king. but his general. Maha Bandula. influenced him to follow Bodawpaya's policy of aggressive expansion in northeastern India. He conquered Assam and Manipur. making them Myanmar tributaries. The border with British India thus extended from Rakhine on the Bay of Bengal northward to the foot of the Himalayan Mountains. The British. angered over Myanmar border raids in pursuit of rebel forces. launched a war on March 5. 1824.

padonminBagyidaw's armies were driven out of Assam. Rakhine. and Manipur. British forces occupied southern Myanmar and advanced toward the capital. Amarapura (near present-day Mandalay). On Feb. 24. 1826. Bagyidaw's government signed the Treaty of Yandabo; its terms included cession of Thanintharyi and Rakhine to the British. payment of an indemnity equivalent to Pound 1.000.000 (10.000.000 Kyat silver coins). and renunciation of all Myanmar claims in Assam and Manipur. which became British protectorates.

During the remaining years of his reign. Bagyidaw attempted to mitigate the harsh terms of the treaty. In 1826 the king negotiated a commercial treaty with the British envoy. John Crawfurd. but refused to establish formal diplomatic relations unless he could deal on an equal basis with the British sovereign. rather than through the East India Company at Calcutta. Bagyidaw failed to persuade the British to give Thanintharyi back to Myanmar. but a deputation that he sent to Calcutta in 1830 successfully reasserted the Myanmar claim to the Kale-Kabaw Valley. which had been occupied by the Manipuris. After 1831 Bagyidaw became increasingly susceptible to attacks of mental instability. and in 1837 he was succeeded by his brother. Prince Tharrawaddy Min.

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