
King Bodawpaya

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King BodawpayaKing Bodawpaya

Photo Credit - www.wikipedia.org

King Bodawpaya (1782-1819) was one of the greatest king of Myanmar. sixth monarch of the Alaungpaya. or Konbaung. dynasty. in whose reign (1782-1819) the long conflict began with the British.

A son of Alaungpaya (reigned 1752-60). the founder of the dynasty. Bodawpaya came to power after deposing and executing his grandnephew Maung Maung. In 1784 Bodawpaya invaded Rakhine. the maritime kingdom on the eastern coast of the Bay of Bengal. captured its king. Thamada. and deported more than 20.000 people into Myanmar as slaves.

When Rakhine was made a Myanmar province in 1785. the borders of Myanmar and British India were contiguous for the first time. The king's success in Rakhine led him to invade Siam (Thailand) in 1785. but his army was defeated.

Bodawpaya's rule in Rakhine was so oppressive that the people revolted in 1794. When the king sent an army to crush the revolt. thousands of refugees fled to British territory. with Myanmar troops crossing the border in pursuit of the rebel leaders. Conditions on the border became so unsettled that in 1795 the British sent a representative to Amarapura. the Myanmar capital. to negotiate with Bodawpaya. The disturbances continued. however. and Bodawpaya's campaigns in Assam added to the tension. Open conflict was narrowly avoided.

Bodawpaya was a fervent Buddhist who proclaimed himself Arimittya (i.e.. noble maitreya). the messianic Buddha destined to conquer the world. He persecuted heterodox sects; made drinking. smoking opium. and killing animals punishable by death; and built many pagodas. His most ambitious project was the Mingun pagoda. which. if completed. would have been 500 feet (150 m) high. During his reign. he made a major economic survey of the entire kingdom (1784).



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