
General Maha Bandoola

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General Maha Bandoola - 4.0 out of 5 based on 2 votes

Maha Bandoola StatueGeneral Maha Bandoola

General Maha Bandoola (1824-1826) was one of Myanmar's brave general who fought against the British in the First Anglo-Myanmar War. In 1819 Maha Bandoola served in the Myanmar army occupying Manipur. and two years later he commanded a second Myanmar force in the conquest of Assam. King Bagyidaw subsequently appointed him governor of Assam and minister at the court of Inwa.

In January 1824. because of increased tensions along the Bengal-Rakhine border. he was sent with 6.000 troops to Rakhine. When the British declared war in March. he immediately invaded Bengal. occupying Ratnapallang and defeating a British force at Ramu. His objective was to seize Chittagong and Dacca in a lightning thrust and. with the aid of a second Myanmar army marching from Assam. to expel the British from Bengal. His plan was frustrated. however. when the British landed a force at Yangon (Rangoon) in May. The opening of a second front obliged him to call off the campaign and make a difficult retreat over the Rakhine Yoma to Inwa.

After raising a large army in northern Myanmar. Maha Bandoola marched to Danubyu. on the Ayeyarwaddy River. where he established his headquarters in October 1824. In December he attempted. unsuccessfully. to encircle the British. who were entrenched in the neighbourhood of Yangon. When his headquarters fell to the British. he retreated to prepare for the defense of Danubyu.

In March 1825 the British attacked Danubyu. which Bandoola defended courageously. After he was killed in battle. resistance collapsed. Danubyu fell. and the British advanced to Pyay. signaling defeat for the Myanmar.

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