United Digital Museum, Myanmar (Burma)

Presenting Digital Tours to Museums in Myanmar


There are a number of interesting museums.. We have brought you a list of museums by city. Online-only museums are listed in this category.



  1. National Museum
  2. Gem Museum
  3. Bogyoke Aung San Museum
  4. National Health Museum
  5. Yangon Drug Elimination Museum
  6. Myanmar Amber Museum


  1. Bagan Museum
  2. Bagan Archaeological Museum


  1. Mrauk U Museum


  1. Shan State Cultural Museum
  2. Nyaung Shwe Cultural Museum


   1. Death Railway Museum


  1. Rakhine State Cultural Museum
  2. Mahakuthala Kyaung Daw Gyi Buddhist Museum
  3. Buddhist Museum


  1. Naga Tribal Museum. Lay Shi



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Then you can be called as a numismatist. Long ago. coin collecting was known as the "Hobby of Kings". Here is a collection of coins issued in Myanmar throughout history. Myanmar currency is marked as "Kyat". One Kyat is composed of 100 pyays. which are in coins. From the Pyu Era until now. coins have been used in many ways. Coins were made from bronze. silver and gold with some other alloy.Myanmar Coins
Colonial Government's Paper MoneyMyanmar Money
Largest Gold Buddha Image
One of the musts in your itinerary in Mandalay. the last Capital of old Myanmar should be Maha Muni. the largest gold Buddha Image housed in a gilt brick temple of late 19th century architectural design. situated in the south-west township.
Strange Buddha Images of Myanmar
Largest Bell Underwater
Buddha's Footprint
The marks on the soles of Buddha.There are a hundred and eight distinguishing marks on both the soles of the Buddha.
Largest Gilded Building
Largest Gilded Building is Shwedagon Pagoda.The most notable building in Yangon is the Shwedagon Pagoda. a great cone-shaped Buddhist monument that crowns a hill about one mile north of the Cantonment. The pagoda itself is a solid brick stupa (Buddhist reliquary) that is completely covered with gold. It rises 326 feet (99 m) on a hill 168 feet (51 m) above the city.
If you are interested in the hobby of philately (stamp collecting). then you can call yourself a philatelist. A stamp collector with interest in Asian stamps. they would be interested in Myanmar stamps too. These Myanmar stamps are arranged in chronological order. Text on the sides are the description or dedication of each stamps. See how the stamps reflect the life-style of the Myanmar people. according to time and different administrations.Myanmar Stamps
Buddha Images
Buddha Images in Myanmar

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