
Historical Events of Myanmar

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 historical events of myanmarHistorical Events of Myanmar

Photo Credit - www.panglong.org

The Hope Diamond

Panbe is the tempering of iron in the furnace to make necessary items. The artisans make ox cart axle. ox cart iron. tyre. scissors. hammer. adze. pickaxe. knife. hatchet. axe. digging hoe and mattock.

The Royal Ruby (Padamyar Ngamauk)

Panbe is the tempering of iron in the furnace to make necessary items. The artisans make ox cart axle. ox cart iron. tyre. scissors. hammer. adze. pickaxe. knife. hatchet. axe. digging hoe and mattock.

The Legends of Boats

Panbe is the tempering of iron in the furnace to make necessary items. The artisans make ox cart axle. ox cart iron. tyre. scissors. hammer. adze. pickaxe. knife. hatchet. axe. digging hoe and mattock.

Mayan Civilization

Panbe is the tempering of iron in the furnace to make necessary items. The artisans make ox cart axle. ox cart iron. tyre. scissors. hammer. adze. pickaxe. knife. hatchet. axe. digging hoe and mattock.

U Thant Island

U Thant Island. or officially Belmont Island. is a tiny 100 x 200 foot (30 x 60 metre) artificial island in New York City's East River. just to the south of Roosevelt Island. It lies across from United Nations headquarters at 42nd Street. and is legally considered a part of the Borough of Manhattan and New York County. The islet is currently protected as a sanctuary for migrating birds. including a small colony of Double-crested Cormorant. and access is prohibited to the public.

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Yangon Main Office:

Rm.501.Bldg 16.Myanmar ICT Park.Hlaing Township.Yangon.Myanmar.
Phone : 95-1-2305207. 95-9-73114980. 95-931087049
Fax : 95-1-2305207

Yangon Branch Office:

Rm 303.305 Bldg 14.Myanmar ICT Park.Hlaing Township.Yangon.Myanmar.
Phone : 95-1-2305194. 95-1-2305192. 95-9-73114980
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Myanmar Fire Protection (2)


Head Office

Myanmar Thiha Co..Ltd.
No.508(A). Lower Kyee Myin Daing Road. Kayinamyothar Ward. Kyee Myin Daing Township. Yangon.
Phone : 95-1-2315289. 2315954. 95-9-31136248. 95-9-5028913
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website : www.myanmarthiha.com

Yangon Branch

Kyee Myin Daing Branch - 95-9-73100890. 95-9-73100891
North Okkalapa Branch - 95-9-73154670. 95-9-425308167
9 Miles Branch - 95-1-656923. 95-1-656796
Insein Branch (Pauk Taw Wa) - 95-1-643758. 95-9-73126057

Mandalay Branch

Corner of 78 Road & 42 Street. Near No.(11) Police Station. Yangon Mandalay Highway Road. Chan Mya Thar Si Township. Mandalay.
Phone : 95-2-33004. 95-9-6500413
Fax : 95-2-33004

Naypyidaw Branch

No.(65-A/B). Paung Laung Ward (2). Pobbathiri Township. Yangon Mandalay Highway Road (Old Road). Naypyidaw. Pyinmanar.
Phone : 95-67-25667. 95-9-49208880. 95-9-73042127
Fax : 95-67-25667

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