
Lapidary (the skill in cutting gems)

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 Lapidary (the skill in cutting gems)Lapidary

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Methods used by gem cutters have hardly changed in hundreds of years. but in Myanmar. the development of the gem industry means there are now more companies exporting expertly cut gems out of the country. The lapidary (someone who is skilled in cutting and polishing jewel and valuable stones)

has become all - important be - cause the quality - and value - of a gem is determined by the cut. People used to cut gems by hand. but now people use a gem cutting machine. Many gem cutters keep their cutting methods secret from other lapidaries. There are two steps in gem cutting First a rough cut is made before the second. which is the final cut. People used to use sapphire powder to polish the gems but now people use diamond powder. which gives the diamonds more beautiful color. and hopefully a high price.

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