
Savoury Chicken Salad

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Savoury Chicken SaladSavoury Chicken Salad

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Myanmar "athoke" is rendered as "salad". is more various and diverse than what is generally understood as salad.

There are the fruit salad. the leaf salad.the fish salad. the meat salad. the many kinds of noodle salad. and to top it all. there is the "rice hand-mixed salad". popular. readily available. easily concocted at home and loved by all guests. Myanmar and foreign. The ingredients of the rice hand-mixed salad are steamed rice. oil cooked with a little chili. glass noodles. egg noodles. boiled potatoes. fried bean curd. shredded papaya. fried shredded garlic. roasted pea powder. dried shrimp powder. tamarind liquor. fish sauce. all thoroughly mixed. not tossed.

Here is a simple chicken salad to serve three or four persons.

1 lb chicken cut into thin strips about 1 inch wide and 2 inches long
1 tbsp thinly sliced lemon grass
1 1/2 tbsp well-pounded parched rice
1/2 cup thinly sliced onion
1/2 cup coarsely chopped mint leaves
4 1/2 tbsp lemon juice
3 tbsp fish sauce
1/2 cup chopped coriander greens
1/2 tbsp ground dried chili
1 tbsp chopped spring onion
1/4 tsp sugar
1 lettuce plant

Steps to cook

Grill sliced chicken to medium rare.

In a mixing bowl. mix all remaining ingredients well. add chicken and mix. Serve on a bed of lettuce with spring onions.

Mya Zin

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