
Steamed Prawn Curry

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Steamed Prawn CurrySteamed Prawn Curry



Prawn 25 ticals
Bean Sauce 1 table spoons
Sugar 1 tea spoon
Vinegar 1 tea spoon
Ginger 1 lump
Lemon 1 No
Tomato Sauce 3 table spoon
Seasame oil 1/2 tea spoon

Prawn is quite cheap and Myanmar. You can buy different kinds of prawns at different prices. First, dress the prawn then clean. Place in a pressure cooker. Then steam them for 15 to 20 minutes, until it becomes soft.
For a gravy fry, ginger, sugar, salt, vinegar, tomatoes, soya bean sauce. Add a little lime juice and boil. When boil, put boil prawn into the pan. When it is cooked, add sesame oil. That’s the recipe for prawn curry. The delicious curry is ready to serve.

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