
Glazed plaque

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Glazed plaqueGlazed plaque

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Glazed plaques depicting various nat figures paying homage with flowers and other offerings can be seen at Ananda and Mingalar pagodas. Those at Ananda are encrypted with Mon-language script, while the ones at Mingalar show Myanmar inscriptions. Visitors to Damayazika, Shwe Pat Leik, Ananda and Mingalar pagodas can see ceramic tiles depicting episodes from the 550 past lives of Glazed plaque the Buddha.

The plaques at each of these pagodas have their own style and iconography as they show stories such as the Buddha entering the monkhood or leaving home to seek enlightenment. Tiles made in the latter part of the Bagan era are generally glazed, while those from earlier periods are made naturally from raw, baked earth. These can be seen at Shwe Pat Leik Pagoda, where the well-preserved earthen tiles stand as some of the best artistic work Bagan has to offer. The most classical composition is accentuated in a pagoda in Bagan like Dama Yarzika pagoda is its Glazed plaque. The heaviest art work of plaque in the Dama Yarzika pagoda as well as the other three pagodas _ Shwe Pat Leik, Arnandar and Mingalar _ are the iconography of the 550 past life stories retold by Buddha. Each pagoda has its own style of describing the iconography in plague and some subjects include entering into the monkhood and leaving home. The plaques of Dama Yarzika and Mingalar pagoda were being conserved since the past 50 years by the government from the hands of a group of German who tried to steal the plaques. The similar works of plaques about the 550 past life stories found in the later days in Bagan are mostly glazed unlike earlier times when the plaque is made of raw earth baked and made naturally. This can be seen in plaque of Shwe Pat Leik pagoda and with its well preserved plaques, it can be said as the best artistic work of plaque seen in the Bagan era.


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