
Getting Around in Mandalay

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Getting Around in MandalayGetting Around in Mandalay

Air - There are daily flights from Yangon to Mandalay via Air Bagan. Air Mandalay. Yangon Airways. and Myanmar Air. Mandalay now has an International Airport. so there are also flights from other countries directly landing to Mandalay.

 Bus and Express - There are daily local express from Yangon to Mandalay and many other parts of the country.

Taxi - Pickups and vans are available to travel around Mandalay. Amarapura. Inwa. and Sagaing.

Train - Mandalay has a new Yadanarbon Central Railway Station in downtown area. It is a seven-storey complex. including two floors devoted to a hotel. The old station is on the further south of the new one. There are daily schedules from Yangon to Mandalay.

Motorbike - Motorbikes can be seen everywhere in Mandalay. Travelling by motorbike can be very convenient in local places. So. motorbikes can be rented mostly everywhere in Mandalay.

Boat - The Inland Water Transport office is located at the Gawwein Jetty at the western end of 35th Street.

Bicycle - There are several places downtown where you can rent bicycles.

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Metal World


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Botahtaung Zay St. Pazundaung Tsp. Yangon. Myanmar.
Tel: (+951) 296158. 296536
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Super Hawk


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Tel: +(951) 246638. 372107. 705443. +(959) 870-2938
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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