
Mahawizaya Pagoda

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Mahawizaya Pagoda - 4.0 out of 5 based on 93 votes

Mahawizaya PagodaMahawizaya Pagoda

info The Maha Wizaya Pagoda (မဟာဝိဇယစေတီ) was built on the Dhammarakkhita (Guardian of the Law) Hill which faces the famous Shwedagon Pagoda, in 1980 to commemorate the first successful convening of all sects of the Buddhist monastic order, under one supervisory body.

The 11-level hti (an umbrella shaped ornamental spire) on top of the pagoda was donated by General Ne Win, the country’s head of state and military dictator at the time, causing the pagoda to be also known as "Ne Win's Pagoda". Unlike most of the pagodas, Maha Wizaya Pagoda's main stupa is hollow, which is open to visitors and it is decorated with fake trees to look like a forest. Inside the main stupa is a rotunda (a round room with a dome top), where the Buddhist relics gifted by the King of Nepal were enshrined. The base of the shrine is encircled by many Buddha images. The ceiling over the relic shrine is painted colorfully with depictions of various animals, the Buddha meditating under a Bodhi tree, the Buddha and an elephant kneeling down in front of him to pay its respect and the Buddha spreading the teachings to his numerous followers.


monetization_on Entry Fees: 200 MMK

watch_later Operation hours: 4:00-22:00

hourglass_full Time needed: Approximately 1 hour



It was built from funds donated by the people across the whole country. An image of the Buddha which was a royal gift from the King and Queen of Nepal is enshrined within the pagoda. All manner of traditional decorative art executed by modern artists and artisans grace this shrine and testify to the preservation of a national culture developed through the ages.



Inside view of Mahawizaya Pagoda


Reflection of Mahawizaya Pagoda in nearby lake


build Year established: 1980

directions Directions: South of the Shwedagon Pagoda

place Location: Shwedagon Pagoda Road, Dagon Township, Yangon, Myanmar

local_phone Phone: n.a.

email Email: n.a.

public Website: n.a.

local_taxi Estimated taxi fare: n.a.

directions_bus Bus directions: n.a.

directions_railway Circular train: n.a.

map See map below:

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