
Pantain (Goldsmith)

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Pantain (Goldsmith) - 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 vote

Pantain is an enterprise of making items of gold or silver. Silversmith is the art of making drinking bowl, receptacle bowl, prize-cup, shield and belt. Goldsmith is the art of making ear-plug, ear-drops, ear-ring, with a screw-on back piece, finger-ring bracelet, Pendent and necklace. Myanmar’s traditional arts and crafts artistic creation of gold and silver wares come under the genre (ba-dain) art of making items in gold or silver.Pantain

Creating silverware had been with Myanmar for the past one thousand two hundered years, and judging from the workmanship of the silverware that belong to those early years, it is indeed something for the Myanmar’s to crow about. According to the crystal palace chronicles, during the reign of King Anawrahta the relices of Buddha and the three repositories of Buddhist scriptures were brought to Bagan from Suvunna Boumi, the Mon capital, along with them came Mon artisans and works of Mon arts and crafts, gold and silverware etc. Going further back into the past, we find Pyu silver works of art discovered from the mounts of old shrines of Sri Khestra. Here is an article about Myanma Nawarat or the Nine Precious Gems of Myanmar.


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