
Panyun (the art of making lacquerware)

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Panyun (the art of making lacquerware)Panyun

Panyun means a handicraft which produces materials made of bamboo. wood and thick black varnish (sis-se). Lacquerware artisans produce alms food bowl. bowl for monk. and bowl of pickle tea. lacquer vessel. drinking cup. betel box. and cheroot box. Myanmar traditional lacquerware emerged in the early part of Bagan period.

Myanmar traditional lacquer ware drawing styles derived from many stories of Buddha’s life. Burmese lacquerware is one such product, whose art goes back to the 11th century. On a framework of woven, finely cut strips of bamboo, mixtures of thit-see resin with clay and ash are carefully built-up and finally polished with the ash of fossil wood. The designs are then etched or painted by hand. The most traditional Burmese lacquerware is of a unique terracotta colour, with scenes from the Jatakas, the Buddha’s former existence, etched and then filled in with green pigment. More modern designs are in deep, velvet black, with simpler figures laid on in genuine gold leaf. Many types of Burmese lacquerware articles are invaluable, such as boxes, vases, trays, bowls and even coffee tables. Bagan, site of the architectural wonders of the East, is the home of this craft.


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