
Silk Weaving(100 Shuttle Traditional Weaving Industry)

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Silk Weaving(100 Shuttle Traditional Weaving Industry)Silk Weaving

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Myanmar proudly wear hand-woven silk materials at auspicious occasions. Myanmar turban. Myanmar jacket and silk longyi are worn by Myanmar men while intricate acheik designs woven with over 100 silk threads such as plain silk blouses and silk shawls are proudly worn by Myanmar ladies. Although the colours and patterns of silk-woven materials have changed since the time of Myanmar kings. they are still proudly worn by Myanmars.

When we weave the silk firstly. three or four raw silk threads are twisted tightly with the aid of the machine. thus making it taut and smooth. After that. silk-woven faces are removed by washing in boiled soap-nut liquid. You will have to boil and wash more thoroughly the threads. which are to be used for the designs. because they need to be softer than ordinary silk thread. Then you have to add the desire colour you want. to the boiled water. After dyeing the threads for about 30 minutes. you have to rinse the excessive dye from the threads. Then use water. repeatedly to wash the dyed threads and later dry them in the sunlight. In this way. you get beautiful smooth dyed-silk threads. To weave the silk threads; you wind the right amount of threads; you will be needing. into the bobbins you're going to use. After attaching the bobbins on the loom. the weavers will weave the desired acheisilk-weavingk patterns. The acheik patterns are horizontal wavy lines of various sizes and numbers. There are up to 300 small bobbins used to weave very intricate and complicated acheik designs. Traditionally. acheiks have named like royal thread. 6 design thread. 5 design thread. 4 design thread and so forth. depending on the usage of colour and the number of small bobbins used for the particular design. In olden days. people used to prefer the acheik with more colours. But nowadays people prefer soft and smooth silk threads with the only addition of 2 to 3 colours. Acheik nowadays based on traditional designs woven with more modern colours and designs is still winning the heart of the locals and foreign visitors. Both. women and men folks wear lovely. colourful silk acheiks to special occasions like weddings and important festive ceremonies. Men's silk have diamond. jasmine or pearl designs. In Amarapura city. not far from Mandalay. 100-shutles looms acheik. pasoes. longyi and shawls are woven in a variety of designs and colours.

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