
Htamane Cooking Festival

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Htamane (Cooking Festival)Htamane Cooking Festival

Photo Credit - www.chatrium.com

Htamane (Cooking Festival) 


The htamane (glutinous rice) cooking festival is a traditional event in Myanmar that occurs around the Full Moon Day of the lunar month of Tabodwe, which usually falls in late January or early February. During the festival, glutinous riceis crushed and kneaded before it is mixed with other ingredients in huge iron vats using big paddles. The first portion of this delicacy is offered to Lord Buddha and Buddhist monks, while participants in the ceremony and
onlookers share what is left over. In some areas of the country, a dobat (traditional drum music) troupe performs to encourage the htamane makers.

The tools required to make glutinous rice include ahuge, wide-rimmed iron bowl, two long-handled stirring paddles, three bricks for the makeshift fireplace and firewood.


1) 2 pyis (5 litres) glutinous rice
2) 1 viss (1.63 kilograms) peanut oil
3) ½ grated coconut
4) 0.6 viss (1kg) peanuts (without husks)
5) Sliced ginger
6) Salt



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