
Htamane Festival

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Htamane FestivalHtamane Festival

Htamane festival is held between February and March. throughout the whole country. It is made of sticky rice and sesame seeds.

One large pan requires 4 small baskets of sticky rice. 20 coconuts. one small basket each of peanut and sesame seeds. 4 kilo of oil. 0.32 kilo of ginger and some salt.


Making of Htamane is not very easy. First the sticky rice must be soaked over night. The next day. start frying the small pieces of coconuts and other ingredients. Then pour in the soaked sticky rice into the pan. Now. we need two strong men to do the stirring of the rice until it is cooked. After preparing Htamane. it is then offered to the Buddha and is given away for free to all the visitors to the pagodas.


Place Countrywide
Time During February / March. depends on Lunar Calendar

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