
Khakaborazi National Park

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Khakaborazi National Park - 5.0 out of 5 based on 2 votes

Khakaborazi National Park



info Kachin State, located in the northernmost part of Myanmar is abundant in natural resources. The 5,881 metre high Khakaborazi, the highest mountain in Myanmar and its environs has been established as the Khakaborazi National Park (ခါကာဘိုရာဇီ အမျိုးသားဥယျာဉ်) and facilities for eco-tourism has been successfully implemented.


monetization_on Entry Fees: n.a.

watch_later Operation hours: 24 hours

hourglass_full Time needed: Approximately 3 hour



Khakaborazi National Park was established as a natural reserve on January 30, 1996 and as a National Park on November 10, 1998. The park is the last stronghold for biodiversity in Myanmar. Extraordinarily rich flora and fauna, ranging from lowland tropical to alpine species still await proper research and identification. They have barely been studied, and the park remains an excellent center for field study for students of botany, geology, zoology and geography.

The attractions found in this region are the beautiful, colourful and rare-species of butterfly. That is why butterfly observers from the international community come to Myanmar to study them with keen interest.

The beautiful yellow and black Papilionidae butterflies, the bright orange coloured Pieridae and yellowish brown ones with black and white spots on their bodies, the Nymphalid butterflies are all rare butterfly species, but commonly found in Putao region.

At the exhibition center, natural environment and wildlife conservation tasks, as well as their objectives and successful achievements, measures for improving and maintaining eco-tourism, significant natural environs of Kachin State, wildlife sanctuaries and the various biodiversities of this region are attractively showcased with the aids of photos, pictures, captions and relevant maps.

Although rare around the world, you can find black orchids in this park. The black orchid, its botanical name, Paphiopedium Wardii is systematically grown in a garden of the Khakaborazi National Park Exhibition Centre.

It is a kind of orchid enjoys earth and you will come to appreciate its unique form after you get the chance to study it carefully. If you take a closer look, you will find that the black orchid has a shape very similar to a slipper and its colour is quite dull.

Other rare species of orchid found in Kachin State such as Cymbidium, Pleione maculata and Dendrobium nobile can be examined in the garden of the exhibition center. Moreover, other diverse species of orchid are also planted in the garden. And that is why, because of all these interesting subject matters, the Khakaborazi National Park Exhibition Centre in Putao is a unique place where one will be introduced to the natural environs and various bio-diversities of the Kachin State, which is situated in the northernmost part of the Union of Myanmar.


build Year established: n.a.

directions Directions:

place Location: Kachin State, Myanmar

local_phone Phone: n.a.

email Email: n.a.

public Website: n.a.

local_taxi Estimated taxi fare: n.a.

directions_bus Bus directions: n.a.

directions_railway Train directions: n.a.

map See map below:

help_outline Get a free quotation for a Myanmar tour to visit this place.

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