Mon State

info Mon State is located between 14o 52'N and 17o 44'N latitudes and 96o 53'E and 98o 13'E longitudes bounded on the north by Bago Division. on the east Kayin State. on the south by Tanintharyi Division and on the west by the Gulf of Martaban.

monetization_on No entry fees

watch_later Operation hours: 24 hours

hourglass_full Time needed: Approximately 3 hour


Area & population

Mons. Myanmars. Paos. Daweis and Shans inhabit the State whose capital is Mawlamyaing and the are is 4.748 square miles. The State is organized in ten Townships. 443 Wards and Village Tracts. The population is about 1.682.041. Mon State Day falls on 19th March.


Principal crops of the State are paddy. groundnut. pulses. rubber. sugar-cane. coconut. betel nut. dhani. durian. rambutan and mangos teen. The State is the top producer of rubber. Tin. antimony and white clay are some of its natural products. As manufacturing establishments. there are the Sittang Pulp and Paper Mill. Billin Sugar Mill. Thanbyuzayat Rubber Factory. Mudon Textile Mill and Mupon Ceramics Factory.

Tobacco pipes. hot water bottles. rubber balloons. plaster figurines. feather-brooms. coconut-shell handicrafts are successful in Ywalut village of Belugyun. Zeebyuthaung is Myanmar's first sea-fishing cooperative village. Salt making is another reliable economic activity.

Nearby attractions

Kyaikhtiyo Pagoda or the Golden Rock is located in the state. and lots of visitors from all over the country and tourists. visit this place during the festival time. The festival is usually in December.




build Year established: n.a.

directions Directions:

place Mon State

local_phone n.a.

email no email

public no web site

local_taxi Estimated taxi fare: n.a.

directions_bus Bus directions: n.a.

directions_railway Train directions: n.a.

map See map below:

help_outline Get a free quotation for a Myanmar tour to visit this place.

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SIN MINN. was established in 2007. a leading business conglomerate in Myanmar. has committed itself to conducting business in line with good corporate governance and sustainable development principles throughout 100 years.

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