
Mount Popa Spirit Festival

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Mount Popa Spirit FestivalMount Popa Spirit Festival

Photo Credit - www.calendarofeventsguide.com

According to thegtrider.com. this particular event in Myanmar this year follows the full moon of December (Natdaw in Burmese term).

All of the pilgrims will make an effort to visit the Mt. Popa in Bagan (almost 1300 meters height above sea level) in the heart of Burma.

From the shared information about this annual gathering of the Burmese, there are other related events wherein the locals are honoring the “Spirits.” To mention some of them include the festivals for Taungbyone, Yadanagu at Amarapura, Taungbyone Min Nyinaung and more.

They celebrate these festivals through different months in the entire year.

The beautiful Mount Popa is actually an extinct volcano, according to the published information about it. For the past years now, it became the most important place of gathering to accommodate thousands of pilgrims in Myanmar who meet here to give thanks and honor the “Great Spirits or Nats” every year.

Besides the opportunity to discover the stunning views of the country, this annual festival is a great way to unveil the remarkable history of Bagan as well.


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