
Panguni Utram (Full Moon Day of Panguni Month of Tamil People)

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Panguni Utram (Full Moon Day of Panguni Month of Tamil People) - 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 vote

Panguni Utram (Full Moon Day of Panguni Month of Tamil People)Panguni Utram

Photo Credit - www.gogostartravels.com

Celebration. principle celebration falls on Full Moon Day Panguni Utram is the primary religious celebrations of Hindu individuals in Myanmar. held in the compound of Sri Angala Eswari Munieswar Swamy Temple. Pelikha Village Kyauk Tan Township which was worked in 1862.

The custom pulls in numerous members and much more onlookers with the execution of flame strolling. a considerable lot of who hold up extend periods of time to witness relatives or companion perform. Subsequent to strolling over the hot coals. the enthusiasts swim through a pit loaded with goat's drain. at that point rub their feet with yellow powder. turmeric. This sacred uncommon event is normally gone to by the numerous neighborhood and abroad lovers.

Date : Full Moon Day of Tabaung or Tagu (March or April)
Location : Sri Angala Eswari Munieswar Swamy Temple. Pelikha Village. Kyauk Tan Township.
Yangon Region
Duration : 10 Days



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