
Pho Win Taung Pagoda Festival

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Pho Win Taung Pagoda Festival - 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 vote

Pho Win Taung Pagoda FestivalPho Win Taung Pagoda Festival

Photo Credit - www.myanmarfoodandtravel.com

This festival is held at the Pagoda of Po Win Taung Cave in Monywa in the month of December.

Every year more than 500 worshipers and devotees arrive to this Cave carrying clay pots on bullock carts. Then they drop the clay pots on the day of ceremony to pay homepage to the spirit of the cave. This ceremony lasts for 6 days.

Like other pagoda festivals with the usual entertainment provided. Myanmar thanaka. sandalwood and woven textiles (cotton blankets and longyis mainly) can be bought at the various stalls around the pagoda area.

Date : One day before Full Moon Day of Tazaungmone

Location : Monywa, Sagaing Region

Duration : 2 days


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