
Salone Festival

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Salone FestivalSalone Festival

Photo Credit - www.mcs-myanmartravel.com

Salone festival is usually held during the month of February. The festival is at Majungalet Village on Bocho Island near Lampi Island in Myeik. Tanintharyi Division. It is celebrated every year. to promote tourism in acquaintance with Salon and Myeik Archipelago as one of the tourism attractions for International Market.

Here is where you will witness traditional and spiritual dances. diving competitions and a fascinating way of life. There are also rowing competitions. folk singing and a traditional Salone feast. The Salone people. or sea gypsies. live nomadic sea lives for seven months of the year. living off their ingenuity and the resources of the ocean. Encountering this chance be a rare opportunity.

Place Lampi Island. Myeik. Tanintharyi Division
Time During February of every year



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