
Queen Supayalat

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Queen SupayalatQueen Supayalat

Queen Supayalat next to King Thibaw Min and her sister Princess Supayagyi

Photo Credit - www.wikipedia.org

Supayalat (Burmese: စုဖုရားလတ်, 13 December 1859 – 24 November 1925) was the last ruler of Burma who reigned in Mandalay (1878–1885), destined to King Mindon Min and Queen of Alenandaw (actually Middle Palace, otherwise called Hsinbyumashin or Lady of the White Elephant).

The British debasement of her name was "Soup Plate". She was married to her stepbrother, Thibaw, who turned into the last lord of the Konbaung administration in 1878, upon Mindon Min's demise. She is best known for building a slaughter of 80 to 100 illustrious relatives, to keep potential adversaries from usurping Thibaw's energy, despite the fact that she had dependably precluded any information from claiming the plot, which may have been brought forth by her mom together with a portion of the pastors, including the chancellor Kinwon Min Gyi U Kaung.

Princess Hteik Supayalat otherwise known as Princess of Myadaung, with the official title of Siri Suriya Prabha Ratana Devi (သီရိသူရိယပြဘရတနာဒေဝိ), was the second of three little girls destined to Mindon and Hsinbyumashin, little girl of Bagyidaw (Mindon's uncle) and Nanmadaw Me Nu conceived in Pha Lan Gon, and the third of Mindon's four most noteworthy positioning rulers. The three different rulers of Mindon had no youngsters, and Hsinbyumashin turned out to be all the more effective after the passing of the central ruler Setkya Devi. Thibaw, then again, was the child of a center positioning ruler, Queen of Laungshe. He was however learned in the Buddhist sacred writings and furthermore taught by the minister Dr. Stamps, and ended up plainly one of Mindon's most loved children.

In 1878, Thibaw succeeded his dad in a ridiculous progression slaughter. Hsinbyumashin, one of Mindon's rulers, had developed overwhelming at the Mandalay court amid Mindon's last days. Under the appearance that Mindon needed to offer his youngsters (different rulers and princesses) goodbye, Hsinbyumashin had all royals of close age (who could conceivably be beneficiary to the royal position) savagely butchered by proclamation, to guarantee that Thibaw and her little girl Supayalat would accept the honored position.

The yearning Hsinbyumashin, subsequent to putting him on the position of royalty, offered her most established girl Hteik Supayagyi, Princess of Mong Nawng to be his ruler, however amid the illustrious wedding function Supayalat pushed in alongside her sister to be blessed ruler in the meantime, breaking old custom. Her sister's marriage was never culminated, and Supayalat was said to have constrained monogamy on a Burmese ruler for the first and the last time ever, despite the fact that Thibaw likewise in this way wedded her most youthful sister Hteik Supayalay, Princess of Yamethin. Supayalat was just 19 and Thibaw 20 when they climbed the lion position of authority (Thihathana palin).


The brick palace in Ratnagiri that Queen Supayalat and the royal family was exiled to

Photo credit - www.wikipedia.org

Their rule kept going only seven years when Thibaw Min was crushed in the Third Anglo-Burmese War and compelled to resign by the British in 1885. On 25 November 1885 they were taken away in a secured carriage, departing Mandalay Palace by the southern door of the walled city along the roads lined by British warriors and their moaning subjects, to the River Irrawaddy where a steamboat called Thuriya (Sun) anticipated. Thibaw was 27 and Supayalat 26.

Supayalat never lost her self-restraint, and was said to have asked a British warrior by the wayside for a light to smoke a Burmese cheroot. She was pregnant and joined by her significant other, their two girls, her two sisters, and her mom; whatever is left of their gathering took after by walking. The troops had nicknamed her "Soup Plate", and in the tumult and scramble that went to their kidnapping, a portion of the royal gems vanished including a vast ruby called Nga Mauk that Colonel Sladen had demanded being given over for protection. Thibaw saw an open door in 1911 when King George V went to India, and composed for the arrival of the Burmese royal gems, however just got an answer that Col. Sladen had kicked the bucket in 1890. Nga Mauk was accepted to have in this manner turned up as the biggest ruby on the British crown; it was perceived by Princess of Kyundaung in whose charge the ruby used to be.

On 10 December 1885 the imperial family, short the ruler mother and Supayagyi who were sent to Dawei, was taken to Madras where their third little girl was conceived, and in April the following year they were moved to Ratnagiri on the west drift where they could no longer look over the Bay of Bengal to the land they had been compelled to take off. Supayalat brought forth her fourth and most youthful girl in 1887; they were not given an appropriate home comparable with their status until 1911 when Thibaw Palace was worked by the administration. In 1914 the imperial princesses had an ear-penetrating function (နားသွင်းမင်္ဂလာ nahtwin mingala) as indicated by Burmese custom. A portion of the relatives, court authorities and performers including the well known symphony of Sein Beida and the harpist Deiwa Einda Maung Gyi from Burma were allowed to go to the function. In spite of the fact that Supayalat's first conceived was a kid he didn't survive earliest stages, and she had likewise lost another little girl.

The royal princesses were named as follows:

Hteiksu Myatpayagyi (1880–1947) married an Indian guard at Thibaw Palace.
Hteiksu Myatpayalat (1882–1956) married a Burmese courtier at Thibaw Palace; neither of these unions met with the royal parents' approval.
Hteiksu Myatpaya aka Madras Supaya (1886–1962) returned to Burma with her mother, and married a grandson of Mindat Min, her great uncle and brother of King Mindon.
Hteiksu Myatpayalay (1887–1935), the youngest and brightest, was fluent in English and acted as the royal family's spokesperson airing their grievances in a document called Sadutta thamidaw ayeidawbon sadan (စတုတ္ထသမီးတော်အရေးတော်ပုံစာတမ်း The Fourth Royal Daughter Crisis Document); she married a Burmese lawyer, and was sent away by the colonial government to live in Moulmein where she spent the rest of her days.

Supayagyi, who had stayed childless, taken care of her four illustrious nieces, and kicked the bucket in 1912. When King Thibaw kicked the bucket in 1916 at 58 years old following 30 years in a state of banishment, Supayalat battled futile for the privilege to take her significant other's body back to be covered with legitimate memorial service ceremonies in Burma. She declined to surrender the groups of both her sister and her better half, covered in the grounds of their royal residence, to the specialists who in the long run took them by drive to be covered in Ratnagiri in 1919. The ruler did not go to the memorial service despite the fact that she sent two of the imperial princesses to the function. The tombs of the lord and Supayalay were later joined by that of Pahtama thamidaw (First Royal Daughter) who passed on in 1947.

Supayalat came back to Rangoon in 1919, and was not permitted to come back to Mandalay. She had lived on an annuity and in her last days her nearest counselor was Thakin Kodaw Hmaing, the considerable essayist and patriot pioneer, who worshipped her for her rebellious remain against expansionism and who had seen at nine years old the fall of the government and the snatching of the illustrious couple in Mandalay. Hmaing was a guest at Myadaung Monastery worked by the ruler who never had the opportunity to direct an opening service (yeizetcha, actually "pour drops of water", with a specific end goal to approach the goddess of earth to witness the great deed) as it had just been as of late finished. She had never viewed herself as obligated to the British who she accepted denied her of her kingdom with all the riches and wealth in that.

She passed on six years after the fact, in 1925—in a matter of seconds before her 66th birthday. Despite the fact that the pioneer government pronounced the day of her memorial service a national occasion, the regal family's demand for her to be covered in Mandalay was likewise cannot. Her memorial service was, be that as it may, held with grandeur and function as befitted a Burmese ruler, sorted out by the Saophas of Yaunghwe and Thibaw. Her body lay in state, protected under eight white regal umbrellas, went to by 90 Buddhist friars and the British Governor Sir Harcourt Butler with a watch of respect of the Mounted Police finish with a 30 weapon salute.

Supayalat lies covered at Kandawmin Garden Mausolea close to the Shwedagon Pagoda between the tombs of Aung San Suu Kyi's mom Khin Kyi and the previous UN Secretary General U Thant.

Supayalat's mausoleum on Shwedagon Pagoda Road, Yangon



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